VALP6 Conference (6th Variation and Language Processing Conference)

Información do congreso

VALP6 Conference (6th Variation and Language Processing Conference)

Tipo Evento
Código VALP6
Nome VALP6 Conference (6th Variation and Language Processing Conference)
  Lembre que para acceder ou inscribirse nos congresos debe entrar no sistema polo menú de Acceso (á esquerda da ventá). Se aínda non está rexistrado prema aquí.

Registration platform of VALP6

Información de contacto:  
 · Teléfono 34 986812338
 · Fax
 · Enderezo electrónico


VALP6 (Variation and Language Processing 6) will be held in Vigo in June 2024. The conference provides a venue for researchers coming from traditionally distinct fields, such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive science, experimental phonetics, syntax and pragmatics, who work on the relationship between linguistic variation, in its widest sense, and language processing.

Entidades organizadoras

David Tizón-Couto (Chair, UVigo)
Yolanda Fernández-Pena (UVigo)
David Lorenz (Lunds Universitet)
Ana Elina Martínez-Insua (UVigo)
M. Carmen Parafita Couto (Universiteit Leiden)
Javier Pérez-Guerra (UVigo)
Emanuela Todisco (UIB)

Páxina web do congreso

Información sobre o calendario (datas)

Período de inscrición 26/02/2024 10:16 - 16/06/2024 23:59
Período de docencia 26/06/2024 - 28/06/2024

Modo de pagamento


- early-bird registration: 18 March - 30 April  
- late registration: 1-31 May (Conference registration and conference-dinner registration are not possible after 31 May.)
Fees (all include conference pack, coffee-break and reception):  
- early-bird registration for presenters, no dinner 150
- early-bird registration for PhD-student presenters (proof is mandatory), no dinner 110
- early-bird registration for (only) attendees, no dinner 50
- early-bird registration for presenters plus conference dinner 190
- early-bird registration for PhD-student presenters (proof is mandatory) plus conference dinner 150
- early-bird registration for (only) attendees plus conference dinner 90
- late registration for presenters, no dinner 180
- late registration for PhD-student presenters (proof is mandatory), no dinner 140
- late registration for (only) attendees, no dinner 80
- late registration for presenters plus conference dinner 220
- late registration for PhD-student presenters (proof is mandatory) plus conference dinner 180
- late registration for (only) attendees plus conference dinner 120

Payment options. Please follow the instructions at

- (preferred option) credit card, Bizum or GooglePay, through this platform

- (exceptionally) bank transfer to account: IBAN ES1420800501123110000112, BIC: CAGLESMMXXX, Bank: Abanca. Please add your name and reference to VALP6-INV00228.

Calquera dúbida acerca dos detalles dun curso debe dirixila á dirección de dito curso. Por favor, consulte o apartado Información de contacto do curso.

Enderezo electrónico (unicamente problemas técnicos): |  RSS: Catálogo de cursos