45th ICAME Conference

Información do congreso

45th ICAME Conference

Tipo Evento
Código ICAME45
Nome 45th ICAME Conference
  Lembre que para acceder ou inscribirse nos congresos debe entrar no sistema polo menú de Acceso (á esquerda da ventá). Se aínda non está rexistrado prema aquí.

Registration platform of ICAME45

Información de contacto:  
 · Teléfono 986812350
 · Fax
 · Enderezo electrónico


ICAME45 will take place in Vigo on 18‐22 June 2024, organised by members of the Language Variation and Textual Categorisation (LVTC) research group. The conference theme is “Interlocking Corpora and Register(s): Diversity and Innovation”. The academic programme consists of full papers, work‐in‐progress reports, software demonstrations, poster sessions, invited plenary talks and pre‐conference workshops. The social programme includes a welcome evening reception, a boat trip and the gala dinner.

Entidades organizadoras

Nuria Yáñez-Bouza (Chair)
Yolanda Fernández-Pena (Web, Community manager)
Dolores González-Álvarez
Javier Pérez-Guerra (Secretary)

Páxina web do congreso


Información sobre o calendario (datas)

Período de inscrición 01/03/2024 00:01 - 10/06/2024 23:59
Período de docencia 18/06/2024 - 22/06/2024



Modo de pagamento

Registration fees

  • Early-bird registration (1 March – 30 April): 310 EUR
  • Early-bird registration only for PhD students (1 March – 30 April): 225 EUR
  • Late registration (1-31 May): 385 EUR
  • Late registration only for PhD students (1-31 May): 285 EUR
  • Conference dinner and disco: 40 EUR (accompanying visitors are welcome to join the conference dinner)

Payment options. Please follow the instructions at https://icame45.webs.uvigo.es/registration/

- (preferred option) credit card, Bizum or GooglePay, through this platform

- (exceptionally) bank transfer to account: IBAN ES1420800501123110000112, BIC: CAGLESMMXXX, Bank: Abanca. Please add your name and reference to ICAME45-INV00224.

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Enderezo electrónico (unicamente problemas técnicos): |  RSS: Catálogo de cursos