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Intervention and Policy Evaluation: Riding the DiD revolution
(Outros cursos) -

DiD is a quasi-experimental research design that allows researchers to estimate the causal effect of a treatment or intervention on an outcome of interest when there is data available on a control and a treatment group before and after the treatment.

In this intensive course, we will review the basic DiD design, study its identifying assumptions and explore some of the recent advances regarding heterogeity-robust estimators in settings with variation in treatment timing. The course will build on three pillars: conceptual understanding, critical evaluation and practical implementation.

By the end of the course, participants will have a solid grasp of the DiD research design and will be able to apply it to their own research projects.

Período de matrícula:
02/07/2024 11:00 - 10/07/2024 14:00

Período de docencia:
15/07/2024 - 16/07/2024

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